3 books added

D E Johnson

D.E. (Dan) Johnson is the author of the Detroit-based Will Anderson historical mystery series, which includes The Detroit Electric Scheme (2010), Motor City Shakedown (2011), Detroit Breakdown (2012), and Detroit Shuffle (2013).

Dan is a history buff who has been writing fiction since childhood, but had to hit his midlife crisis to realize he should get serious about it. He and his wife, Shelly, have always encouraged their children to make their dreams a reality - and it finally occurred to him to do the same. After taking classes, reading everything about writing he could find, and writing for hours every day, he hit on the right subject and genre, and wrote The Detroit Electric Scheme, a book that Loren Estleman called "A LES MISERABLES for the American experience."

The early Twentieth Century, a time of big ambitions, huge achievements, and crushing poverty, holds a special fascination for him.

After spending his childhood in Kalamazoo, Michigan, Dan graduated from Central Michigan University and owned a business in Grand Rapids, Michigan for many years. He is married, has three daughters, and once again lives near Kalamazoo. He's currently working on a new project set in Chicago.(

Detroit Mysteries
   1. The Detroit Electric Scheme (2010)
   2. Motor City Shakedown (2011)
   3. Detroit Breakdown (2012)
   4. Detroit Shuffle (2013)

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