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6 books added

John Jantunen

John Jantunen lives with his wife and two sons in Capreol, Ontario. His debut novel, Cipher, was shortlisted for the Kobo Emerging Writer Prize while his second, A Desolate Splendor, was also an apocalyptic thriller. No Quarter is his third book.

Genres: Science Fiction
Tildon Chronicles
   1. No Quarter (2018)
   2. In for a Dime (2022)
   Fallingoverstandingstill (2012)
   Cipher (2014)
   A Desolate Splendor (2016)
   Savage Gerry (2021)
   Mason's Jar (2023)
Books containing stories by John Jantunen
Fractured (2014)
Tales of the Canadian Post-Apocalypse
edited by
Silvia Moreno-Garcia

Award nominations
2019 Shamus Award for Best Original PI Paperback (nominee) : No Quarter

John Jantunen recommends
Stalker Stalked (2021)
Lee Matthew Goldberg
"A rare find. As entertaining as it is subversive, Lee Matthew Goldberg’s razorblade prose and scathing wit lend an easy comparison to Bret Easton Ellis and Jay McInerney and with Stalker Stalked—a devilishly acerbic tale of a pill-popping, reality TV superfan in delirious freefall—he has not only created a work of fiction as vital to our right here and right now as American Psycho and Bright Lights, Big City were to theirs, he’s issued a bold challenge to an entire generation of novelists: Catch me if you can!"

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