Ravi has left Tiverius with Dana, who knows far more than she will tell him about the mysterious people who have rekindled interest in the coastal "Gathering" movement.
Tylve is an adherent of this movement as her family has been through the generations. She doesn't understand the influx of new people. Since fleeing her village after her home was searched, she has arrived in the City of Glass, where a fateful meeting brings her in contact with a spy.
Meanwhile, Kotori has gone to investigate the "lights in the sky" that he's kept secret for over twenty years. One fell down to the surface and he desperately needs to justify why he's never said anything about his suspicions before.
He's the Aranian court astrologer and if his suspicions are right, literally everything he's been taught--and he's told others--about the stars and star signs is wrong.
Milena from the "Hive" and six others were abroad the capsule that crashed to the surface of the world. Now she and her two surviving companions need to make their way to the other settlers in a hostile landscape where the locals can't find out who they are. They confiscate a truck, but the only one who knows how to operate it is a local old man.
It's only a matter of time before the people on the ground discover who they are and what's worse, what their plans are and what's chasing them.
Genre: Fantasy
Tylve is an adherent of this movement as her family has been through the generations. She doesn't understand the influx of new people. Since fleeing her village after her home was searched, she has arrived in the City of Glass, where a fateful meeting brings her in contact with a spy.
Meanwhile, Kotori has gone to investigate the "lights in the sky" that he's kept secret for over twenty years. One fell down to the surface and he desperately needs to justify why he's never said anything about his suspicions before.
He's the Aranian court astrologer and if his suspicions are right, literally everything he's been taught--and he's told others--about the stars and star signs is wrong.
Milena from the "Hive" and six others were abroad the capsule that crashed to the surface of the world. Now she and her two surviving companions need to make their way to the other settlers in a hostile landscape where the locals can't find out who they are. They confiscate a truck, but the only one who knows how to operate it is a local old man.
It's only a matter of time before the people on the ground discover who they are and what's worse, what their plans are and what's chasing them.
Genre: Fantasy
Genre Pages