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515 books added

Jack Ketchum

(Dallas William Mayr)
USA flag (1946 - 2018)

aka Jerzy Livingston

Jack Ketchum is the pseudonym for a former actor, teacher, literary agent, lumber salesman, and soda jerk. He is also a former flower child and baby boomer who figures that in 1956 Elvis, dinosaurs and horror probably saved his life. His first novel, Off Season, an updating of the Sawney Beane story, prompted the Village Voice to publicly scold its publisher in print for publishing violent pornography. He has always wondered what they would think of The Girl Next Door His short story The Box won a 1994 Bram Stoker Award from HWA.

Awards: Stoker (2015)  see all

Genres: Horror
Off Season
   1. Off Season (1981)
   2. Offspring (1991)
   Off Season: The Unexpurgated Edition (1999)
   3. The Woman (2010) (with Lucky McKee)
   Hide and Seek (1984)
   Cover (1987)
   She Wakes (1989)
   The Girl Next Door (1989)
   Joyride (1994)
     aka Road Kill
   Stranglehold (1995)
     aka Only Child
   Red (1995)
   Ladies' Night (1997)
   The Lost (2001)
   The Crossings (2003)
   Old Flames (2008)
   I'm Not Sam (2012) (with Lucky McKee)
   Sixty-Five Stirrup Iron Road (2013) (with others)
   The Secret Life of Souls (2016) (with Lucky McKee)
   The Exit at Toledo Blade Boulevard (1998)
   Right to Life (1998)
   Peaceable Kingdom (2003)
   Sleep Disorder (2003) (with Edward Lee)
   Broken on the Wheel of Sex (2006)
   Father and Son and Forever (2006)
   Closing Time and Other Stories (2007)
   Triage (2008) (with Richard Laymon and Edward Lee)
   Book of Souls (2008)
   Triptych (2012)
   Notes from the Cat House (poems) (2013)
   What They Wrote (2014)
   Closing Time (2015)
   Garden of Fiends (2017) (with others)
   Gorilla In My Room (2019)
Novellas and Short Stories
   The Box (1994)
   Father and Son (1999)
   Station Two (2001)
   Weed Species (2006)
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Non fiction show
Books containing stories by Jack Ketchum
Chiral Mad 5 (2022)
(Chiral Mad, book 5)
edited by
Michael Bailey
Shivers VIII (2019)
(Shivers , book 8)
edited by
Richard Chizmar

More books 

2015 Bram Stoker Award for Lifetime Achievement
2003 Bram Stoker Award for Superior Achievement in a Fiction Collection : Peaceable Kingdom
2003 Bram Stoker Award for Superior Achievement in Long Fiction : Closing Time
2000 Bram Stoker Award for Superior Achievement in Short Fiction : Gone
1994 Bram Stoker Award for Superior Achievement in Short Fiction : The Box

Award nominations
2013 Shirley Jackson Award for Best Novella (nominee) : I'm Not Sam
2012 Bram Stoker Award for Superior Achievement in Long Fiction (nominee) : I'm Not Sam
2001 Bram Stoker Award for Superior Achievement in a Novel (nominee) : The Lost
2001 Bram Stoker Award for Superior Achievement in Short Fiction (nominee) : The Haunt
2000 Bram Stoker Award for Best Novelette (nominee) : Right to Life [short story]
1999 Bram Stoker Award for Superior Achievement in Long Fiction (nominee) : Right to Life: And 2 New Stories

Jack Ketchum recommends
Glass Children (2023)
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The Ecstacy of Agony (2023)
Wrath James White
"If Wrath doesn't make you cringe, then you must be riding in the wrong end of a hearse."
The Atrocities (2018)
Jeremy C Shipp
"Shipp's clear insistent voice pulls you down into the rabbit hole and doesn't let go."

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