John Brendan Keane was an Irish playwright, novelist and essayist from Listowel, County Kerry.
1. Letters Of A Successful T. D (1967)
2. Letters of an Irish Parish Priest (1972)
3. Letters of a Love-hungry Farmer (1974)
4. Letters of an Irish Publican (1974)
5. Letters of a Matchmaker (1975)
6. Letters of A Civic Guard (1976)
7. Letters of a Country Postman (1977)
8. Letters of an Irish Minister of State (1978)
The Celebrated Letters of John B. Keane (1991)
9. Letters to the Brain (1993)
1. Letters Of A Successful T. D (1967)
2. Letters of an Irish Parish Priest (1972)
3. Letters of a Love-hungry Farmer (1974)
4. Letters of an Irish Publican (1974)
5. Letters of a Matchmaker (1975)
6. Letters of A Civic Guard (1976)
7. Letters of a Country Postman (1977)
8. Letters of an Irish Minister of State (1978)
The Celebrated Letters of John B. Keane (1991)
9. Letters to the Brain (1993)
Man of the Triple Name (1984)
Owl Sandwiches (1985)
The Bodhran Makers (1986)
The Power of the Word (1989)
Durango (1992)
The Contractors (1993)
A High Meadow (1994)
Owl Sandwiches (1985)
The Bodhran Makers (1986)
The Power of the Word (1989)
Durango (1992)
The Contractors (1993)
A High Meadow (1994)
The Street (poems) (1961)
Death Be Not Proud and Other Stories (1976)
Irish Short Stories (1976)
Irish Stories for Christmas (1977)
Stories from a Kerry Fireside (1980)
More Irish Short Stories (1981)
Three Plays (1990)
Love Bites And Other Stories (1991)
The Ram of God and Other Stories (1992)
Christmas Tales (1993)
Sharon's Grave (1994)
Innocent Bystanders and Other Stories (1994)
The Field and Other Irish Plays (1994)
Inlaws and Outlaws (1995)
The Voice of an Angel (1995)
More Irish Stories for Christmas (1996)
Under the Sycamore Tree and Other Stories (1997)
A Warm Bed On a Cold Night (1997)
John B. Keane's Christmas (1997)
The Best of John B. Keane (1998)
Irish Stories (1998)
A Christmas Surprise (1999)
An Irish Christmas (2000)
The Little Book of John B. Keane (2000)
The Teapots Are Out and Other Eccentric Tales from Ireland (2001)
A Christmas Omnibus (2001)
Year of the Hiker / Change in Mame Fadden / Highest House On the Mountain (2001)
An Irish Christmas Feast (2002)
Short Stories of John B. Keane (2012)
Death Be Not Proud and Other Stories (1976)
Irish Short Stories (1976)
Irish Stories for Christmas (1977)
Stories from a Kerry Fireside (1980)
More Irish Short Stories (1981)
Three Plays (1990)
Love Bites And Other Stories (1991)
The Ram of God and Other Stories (1992)
Christmas Tales (1993)
Sharon's Grave (1994)
Innocent Bystanders and Other Stories (1994)
The Field and Other Irish Plays (1994)
Inlaws and Outlaws (1995)
The Voice of an Angel (1995)
More Irish Stories for Christmas (1996)
Under the Sycamore Tree and Other Stories (1997)
A Warm Bed On a Cold Night (1997)
John B. Keane's Christmas (1997)
The Best of John B. Keane (1998)
Irish Stories (1998)
A Christmas Surprise (1999)
An Irish Christmas (2000)
The Little Book of John B. Keane (2000)
The Teapots Are Out and Other Eccentric Tales from Ireland (2001)
A Christmas Omnibus (2001)
Year of the Hiker / Change in Mame Fadden / Highest House On the Mountain (2001)
An Irish Christmas Feast (2002)
Short Stories of John B. Keane (2012)
Plays show
Non fiction show
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