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26 books added

Mariah Kingdom

Mariah Kingdom writes murder mysteries.

Her first crime series, The Rose Bennett Mysteries, is inspired by Mariah’s own years working in the banking industry. Set within a fictional British bank, it features a private investigator who specialises in financial crime, and whose work takes her out of the office and into the lives of those who find themselves driven to deceive, embezzle and murder in their pursuit of cold, hard cash.

Her latest novel, Salvation Hall, is the opening story in a new crime series, The Lancefield Mysteries. Inspired by Mariah’s studies into Caribbean history during her time at Edinburgh University, and woven with her interest in genealogy, the series is set in the present day, but unfolds against the backdrop of Britain’s dark and too-often buried involvement in slavery and the slave trade.

Mariah is currently working on a fourth Rose Bennett Mystery – Death Benefit – and a second Lancefield Mystery – The Redemption.

New and upcoming books
Rose Bennett Mystery
   1. Dead On Account (2015)
   2. Dead Ringer (2016)
   3. Death Duties (2017)
   4. Death Benefit (2020)
   5. Dead and Buried (2021)
Lancefield Murder Mystery
   1. Salvation Hall (2018)
   2. The Redemption (2022)
   3. Hemlock Row (2023)
   4. St Aldate's Magick (2024)

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