book cover of Crescent


(The tenth book in the Reece Cannon series)
A novel by


Every buried decision and forgotten action...

In the thrilling culmination of a ten-part saga, Reece Cannon's past comes calling, forcing her to confront every buried decision and forgotten action in a direct and intense showdown.

She finds herself at the edge of a precipice. Shattered memories flicker on the edge of her consciousness, painting an incomplete portrait of her past. Yet, the future is a blank canvas, and she stands in the uncertain twilight of her identity, caught between who she was and who she wishes to be.

Hunted by ruthless killers, Reece is a woman on the run.

Her freedom is her only possession, the flame that guides her through the darkness, and she is willing to pay any price to protect it. Straddling the boundaries of the law, her actions sow doubt in the minds of her old allies, her former agency, and even within Agent Tommy Shanahan, the man who has stood by her side through thick and thin.

In a climactic showdown set against the backdrop of the iconic Statue of Liberty — a poignant symbol of her relentless struggle for freedom — Reece must face down her enemies, dodge the clutches of the law, and fight for her freedom and the truth of who she truly is.

This is a story about resilience, the resilience to face our past, forge our future, and confront our deepest fears. It's a testament to the courage that it takes to discover who we really are and what we stand for, even when all the odds are against us.

Prepare yourself for a breathtaking conclusion to an epic series, one that will leave you questioning the price of freedom and the power of truth. The stage is set, the pieces are moving — can you handle the rise of the . . .

Grab a pre-order for 50% off the price, and brace yourself for a mind-blowing, high-stakes thriller!

Genre: Mystery

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