Being the ruler of England has always been fraught with danger. In Kill the King! you will see that many people wanted to assassinate you! At least two plots were aimed at Henry VII and George III, four against Elizabeth I, and more than three against James I. Queen Victoria survived eight plots while the present Queen Elizabeth II has survived three. William II was accidentally (?) killed hunting while two Anglo-Saxon kings were also murdered – one of them while he was in the loo!
Several of these stories such as the Gunpowder Plot are well-known, but how many people know about the Ridolphi or Babington plots? Would history have changed if Guy Fawkes had succeeded?
Several of these stories such as the Gunpowder Plot are well-known, but how many people know about the Ridolphi or Babington plots? Would history have changed if Guy Fawkes had succeeded?
Used availability for D Lawrence-Young's Kill the King! And Other Conspiracies