Trapped by a snowstorm, love finds a way...
Diana Hayes, an ambitious journalist, is determined to get her storyuntil a snowstorm strands her with reclusive artist Logan Black in a cozy cabin outside Maplewood Grove. As the storm rages on, their differences begin to fade, replaced by deep conversations and unexpected warmth. Can love blossom in the heart of a storm, or will it melt away with the snow?
Perfect for readers who love:
Diana Hayes, an ambitious journalist, is determined to get her storyuntil a snowstorm strands her with reclusive artist Logan Black in a cozy cabin outside Maplewood Grove. As the storm rages on, their differences begin to fade, replaced by deep conversations and unexpected warmth. Can love blossom in the heart of a storm, or will it melt away with the snow?
Perfect for readers who love:
- Forced proximity romance
Opposites attract
Cozy winter settings
Sweet Storm is the seventh book in the Maplewood Grove series.
Visit Daisy's website to find out about upcoming releases or to join her newsletter at daisylandishromance (dot) com
Genre: Romance
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