book cover of Eight for Losing, One for Loving.

Eight for Losing, One for Loving.

(The ninth book in the Wicked Sons series)
A novel by

Only cats have nine lives…

Leo Hunt has come to a crossroads in his life. A notable Corinthian, and a man who can never say no to a challenge, Leo has decided it's time to grow up. His friends are all marrying and settling down, and his sister’s blissful if chaotic family life has given him the idea that he might like something of the sort himself. The woman who has inspired this volte-face is his sometime friend, sometime nemesis, Violetta Spencer. Leo has known Vi since they were children and has never been in her company for above five minutes without vexing her.

Until now���

Cat got your tongue…

When Leo Hunt makes his intention to pursue her known, Vi thinks he’s lost his mind. Either that, or he’s doing it for a dare, or a lark, or, more likely, a bet. Whatever the reason, she’s not about to fall for it. He might be the man she has secretly loved since girlhood, but she’s no fool, and any connection between them would surely end in disaster. However, Vi has not reckoned upon her marriage-minded adopted mama, Lady Trevick. The lady is determined to see Vi happily married, whether she likes it or not.

Finding herself out manoeuvred, Vi determines to endure Leo’s courting like one would a bout of the measles, until he tires of the idea.

A catastrophe waiting to happen…

When Leo takes an unwilling Vi for yet another turn around the park, he is on his best behaviour, well aware that, unlike his favourite feline, he does not have nine lives and his chances with Vi are running out.

Sadly, no one told his constant companion,
The Cat, Mau. Unlike most cats, Mau’s devotion is legendary, a superior feline, he is famous among the ton – and among those with nefarious intentions. Lured from his master’s side, Mau is snatched by criminals determined to demand a vast ransom for the beloved and much-admired animal.

All does not go smoothly, however.

All nine lives…

When their diversion fails, the criminals flee with Mau in their clutches, and Violetta and Leo in hot pursuit. On the following adventure, Vi discovers not only that she’s enjoying herself despite imminent ruin, but that devil may care Leo is not at all what she expected.

Genre: Historical Romance

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