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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "Fabulous series. I can hardly wait until each new installment of the Children of the Gods series comes out. The novel basic premise of the books is that there is a race of beings that are nearly immortal, descended from the Sumerian gods of antiquity. Though they have superior strength and are hard to kill, they must remain hidden within the human population because they are vastly outnumbered. There are two (possibly three) groups in opposition to one another: the Clan, descendants of the goddess Annani, who are champions of Western civilization; and their enemies, the Brotherhood, a group of Immortals led by Navuh, who seek for world dominance. Above all, though the stories have greater political and cultural significance and implications that are fascinating, they are love stories about members of the Clan finding true love.
This story follows a mission to rescue a young woman from a cult. It is a natural extension of the Clan's ongoing commitment to fighting human exploitation and trafficking, and Turner's business of hostage rescue and retrieval. Leon, Peter, and Eleanor go undercover to a retreat run by Safe Haven, the possible cult to bring Anastasia out. It is purported to be a free love, self actualization group helping people find their place in the world. Every indication is that it is a typical cult, but so far they have only uncovered that it's a big money maker for the leader Emmett. However, the investigators begin to question what exactly is Emmett? There are indications that he is much more than he seems. Will they be able to get Anastasia out? Do they need to do more than that based on what might be happening to the other followers, especially the women? Will Leon and Anastasia find love together?
This is a great read, a fun mystery, and a sexy love story."
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "I always want to rate this series higher. Each time I read the next book, I think the next one can't get better. But it does. This is by far one of my favorite series ever. If you haven't read it you definitely need to. "
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "Fantastic series. I have read this series 4 or 5 Times. The characters become friends and family. IT Lucas pulls you into the books and you never want to leave. Highly recommended characters."
Welcome to Safe Haven, where not everything is what it seems.
On a quest to process personal pain, Anastasia joins the Safe Haven Spiritual Retreat. Through meditation, self-reflection, and hard work, she hopes to shed the shackles of society, free herself of her father’s crippling expectations, and most importantly, make peace with the voices in her head.
This is where she belongs.
Except, membership comes with a hefty price, doubts are sacrilege, and leaving is not as easy as walking out the front gate.
Is living in utopia worth the sacrifice?
Anastasia believes so until a new acolyte changes her mind not only about Safe Haven but also about herself and the world she lives in.
Apparently, the gods of old were not a myth, their immortal descendants share the planet with humans, and she might be a carrier of their genes.
------------------------------An Amazon top 10 All-Star, I. T. Lucas is one of the most popular authors in Kindle Unlimited.
Genre: Paranormal Romance
This story follows a mission to rescue a young woman from a cult. It is a natural extension of the Clan's ongoing commitment to fighting human exploitation and trafficking, and Turner's business of hostage rescue and retrieval. Leon, Peter, and Eleanor go undercover to a retreat run by Safe Haven, the possible cult to bring Anastasia out. It is purported to be a free love, self actualization group helping people find their place in the world. Every indication is that it is a typical cult, but so far they have only uncovered that it's a big money maker for the leader Emmett. However, the investigators begin to question what exactly is Emmett? There are indications that he is much more than he seems. Will they be able to get Anastasia out? Do they need to do more than that based on what might be happening to the other followers, especially the women? Will Leon and Anastasia find love together?
This is a great read, a fun mystery, and a sexy love story."
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "I always want to rate this series higher. Each time I read the next book, I think the next one can't get better. But it does. This is by far one of my favorite series ever. If you haven't read it you definitely need to. "
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "Fantastic series. I have read this series 4 or 5 Times. The characters become friends and family. IT Lucas pulls you into the books and you never want to leave. Highly recommended characters."
Welcome to Safe Haven, where not everything is what it seems.
On a quest to process personal pain, Anastasia joins the Safe Haven Spiritual Retreat. Through meditation, self-reflection, and hard work, she hopes to shed the shackles of society, free herself of her father’s crippling expectations, and most importantly, make peace with the voices in her head.
This is where she belongs.
Except, membership comes with a hefty price, doubts are sacrilege, and leaving is not as easy as walking out the front gate.
Is living in utopia worth the sacrifice?
Anastasia believes so until a new acolyte changes her mind not only about Safe Haven but also about herself and the world she lives in.
Apparently, the gods of old were not a myth, their immortal descendants share the planet with humans, and she might be a carrier of their genes.
------------------------------An Amazon top 10 All-Star, I. T. Lucas is one of the most popular authors in Kindle Unlimited.
Genre: Paranormal Romance
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