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14 books added

José Latour

Cuba (b.1940)

José Latour was born in Havana, Cuba, on April 24, 1940. By the time the Cuban Rev­o­lu­tion came to power, José, who was 19, had become an ardent sup­porter. He joined the Min­istry of Trea­sury as a junior finan­cial ana­lyst and trans­la­tor and later moved on to the Cuban Cen­tral Bank. From there he trans­ferred to the Min­istry of Sugar, end­ing up in the State Com­mit­tee of Finance, where from 1977 onwards he swelled the ranks.

Shuf­fling papers, how­ever, was not chal­leng­ing enough. In that same year José started writ­ing crime fic­tion in his spare time. His first three nov­els (Pre­lu­dio a la Noche, Medi­anoche Ene­miga and Fauna Noc­tura), set in pre-revolutionary Havana, were pub­lished by Edi­to­r­ial Letras Cubanas in 1982, 1986 and 1989. The fourth (Choque de Leyen­das), was launched in 1998, nine years after he first deliv­ered the man­u­script to the publisher. He resigned his posi­tion as global finan­cial ana­lyst in the Min­istry of Finance to become a full-time writer. In 1998 he was elected vice-president for Latin Amer­ica of the Inter­na­tional Asso­ci­a­tion of Crime Writers.

Genres: Mystery
   Outcast (1999)
   Havana Best Friends (2002)
   The Fool (2002)
   Havana World Series (2003)
   Comrades in Miami (2005)
   Hidden in Havana (2008)
   Crime of Fashion (2009)
   Riders of Land and Tide (2013)
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Non fiction show
Books containing stories by José Latour
Death Cruise (1999)
Crime Stories on the Open Seas
edited by
Lawrence Block

Award nominations
2000 Edgar Award for Best Paperback original (nominee) : Outcast
2000 Anthony Award for Best Paperback original (nominee) : Outcast

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