A Summery Sweet Retelling of The Ugly Duckling, Swan Lake, and The Golden Goose...
Deep in the woods of the Feather Realm, a cozy town blissfully enjoys their summer festival with sunflower crowns, market vendors, and off course, fresh eggs. That is, until an unsuspecting mother brings home a basket of eggs that immediately hatch into strange little companions for her daughters. There's nothing too odd about a feathery new pet, but something about these birds and the vendor's cryptic warning feels unusual...
An odd little duck accompanies the youngest daughter as she hides from her childhood bullies, a sweet swan follows the second daughter on her troublesome hunting expedition, and a quirky gosling with a knack for getting lost clings close to the eldest. As the summer sun burns, so does the girls' curiosity as charming and irksome men alike, take interest in their newfound pets.
Will the girls be able to protect their feathered friends from the villains watching them? Swan hunters, mischievous enchanters, and one man that never smiles aren't the type of birds one would expect to flock together, but perhaps they know each other better than they realize...
For more more updates on retellings like these, sign up for my free newsletter at abigailmanningauthor.com
Genre: Young Adult Fantasy
Deep in the woods of the Feather Realm, a cozy town blissfully enjoys their summer festival with sunflower crowns, market vendors, and off course, fresh eggs. That is, until an unsuspecting mother brings home a basket of eggs that immediately hatch into strange little companions for her daughters. There's nothing too odd about a feathery new pet, but something about these birds and the vendor's cryptic warning feels unusual...
An odd little duck accompanies the youngest daughter as she hides from her childhood bullies, a sweet swan follows the second daughter on her troublesome hunting expedition, and a quirky gosling with a knack for getting lost clings close to the eldest. As the summer sun burns, so does the girls' curiosity as charming and irksome men alike, take interest in their newfound pets.
Will the girls be able to protect their feathered friends from the villains watching them? Swan hunters, mischievous enchanters, and one man that never smiles aren't the type of birds one would expect to flock together, but perhaps they know each other better than they realize...
For more more updates on retellings like these, sign up for my free newsletter at abigailmanningauthor.com
Genre: Young Adult Fantasy