book cover of My Homemade Spaceship 9

My Homemade Spaceship 9

(The ninth book in the My Homemade Spaceship series)
A novel by

Will, Rayne, Brian, and Francine’s quest to make it back to the Milky Way Galaxy has hit a dead end: how to fit a blackhole engine the size of a planet inside their relatively tiny ship? And that’s assuming they could somehow manage to gather the resources to build the gigantic engine, a task that bankrupted the richest man in this galaxy when he attempted to do so.

Necessity, it’s said, is the mother of invention. When Will and the crew encounter a species that is able to create holographic pocket dimensions programmed to any specification for wealthy vacationers, he has an idea: why not build the engine inside of a pocket dimension?

While theoretically possible, they would have to convince this species to share their precious technology. Easier said than done, especially when Will and Rayne uncover a sinister and horrific secret about the holographic pocket universes.

Genre: Science Fiction

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