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10 books added

Helen Marshall


Helen Marshall is an award-winning author, editor, and bibliophile.

Her poetry and short fiction have been published in The Chiaroscuro, Paper Crow, Abyss & Apex, Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet and Tor.com. In 2011, she released a collection of poems entitled Skeleton Leaves from Kelp Queen Press and her collection of short stories Hair Side, Flesh Side was released from ChiZine Publications in 2012. This collection won the 2013 British Fantasy Sydney J. Bounds Award and was short-listed for a 2013 Aurora Award for Best Related Work. It was named one of the top ten F/SF books of 2012 by January Magazine.

Genres: Horror
   The Migration (2019)
Novellas and Short Stories
   The Hanging Game (2013)
Anthology series
Series contributed to
Non fiction show
Helen Marshall recommends
Three Eight One (2024)
Aliya Whiteley
"A hero's journey stripped back to its essence, remixed with spaceships and conspiracies, masquerade and menace. Is it an allegory pretending to be an adventure story? An adventure masquerading as a secret history of the world? A new kind of wisdom literature for the digital age? Whatever it is I loved every second of it. Truly Aliya Whiteley is one of the most original and interesting writers in the field."
The Grief Nurse (2023)
Angie Spoto
"Unforgettable and quietly devastating."
The Strange (2023)
Nathan Ballingrud
"A worthy successor to Bradbury, this is far and away the best novel I've read all year. I can't recommend it highly enough."

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Books containing stories by Helen Marshall
There Is No Death, There Are No Dead (2021)
Tales of Spiritualism Horror
edited by
Aaron J French and Jess Landry

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Award nominations
2020 British Fantasy Award for Best Horror Novel (nominee) : The Migration
2020 British Fantasy Award for Best Fantasy Novel (nominee) : The Migration
2015 World Fantasy Award for Best Collection (nominee) : Gifts for the One Who Comes After
2015 Locus Award for Best Collection (nominee) : Gifts for the One Who Comes After
2014 Bram Stoker Award for Superior Achievement in a Fiction Collection (nominee) : Gifts for the One Who Comes After

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