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39 books added

Jamie Mason

Jamie Mason was born in Oklahoma City, but grew up in Washington, D.C. She's most often reading and writing, but in the life left over, she enjoys films, Formula 1 racing, football, traveling, and, conversely, staying at home.

Jamie lives with her husband and two daughters in the mountains of western North Carolina.

Genres: Mystery
   Three Graves Full (2013)
   Monday's Lie (2015)
   The Hidden Things (2019)
Novellas and Short Stories
   Certain Fury (2017) (with Sean T Smith)
   The North Atlantic Protocol (2017)
Series contributed to
Death Toll
   3. Death Toll 3 (2019) (with others)
Books containing stories by Jamie Mason
Cthulhusattva (2016)
Tales of the Black Gnosis
edited by
Scott R Jones
Fractured (2014)
Tales of the Canadian Post-Apocalypse
edited by
Silvia Moreno-Garcia
Dead North (2013)
Canadian Zombie Fiction
edited by
Silvia Moreno-Garcia

Jamie Mason recommends
The Sun Down Motel (2020)
Simone St James
"Simone St. James takes danger and fear to a new level with The Sun Down Motel, a place so chocked full of secrets, the rooms all but tremble at their door hinges. An excellent blend of mystery and the mysterious. Don't miss this."
I'll Never Tell (2019)
Catherine McKenzie
"Secrets are the coin of suspense, and Catherine McKenzie spends them better than anyone. I’ll Never Tell builds incredible tension in a braid of a family’s past with its present, and what five siblings, set against each other by their father’s last will and testament, will do to secure their future. Twisty and brilliant!"
Black Swan Rising (2018)
Lisa Brackmann
"At the intersection of current issues and events, Black Swan Rising is a gripping story that rockets forward with action and suspense."

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