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A Child for Christmas

(A book in the Confederate Widows, Spinsters, and Proxy Brides series)
A novel by

A woman desperate to begin again. A man who longs for connection. Only a baby stands in the way of their happily ever after.

For Charlotte Reynolds, life is a constant struggle since the start of the war. The end of the war did not stop her problems. Instead, she loses her home and most of her family is gone. Her sister’s death after birthing her son deepens Charlotte’s longing for family.

Suddenly, she can no longer stay in the home she and her sister rented. With a newborn to care for and the cool weather of winter in the offing, Charlotte seizes on the chance to marry a man in the West. The only catch is she must marry him sight unseen in a proxy ceremony. She will face any obstacle to keep her nephew safe, even marry a Yankee!

Butch Whaley needs a woman’s chatter to get through the winter. The previous year he nearly went mad spending the season by himself on his ranch. He had always heard women talked a lot, so he decided a wife would bring a guaranteed end his loneliness.

Only, he wants a wife who has no encumbrances. A woman who has never been married would suit him best. He is working hard to establish his ranch. He does not intend for stepchildren to inherit it. No, that would be too much like what happened when Pa left his store to his stepson Richard instead of to Butch.

When he risks being caught in a snowstorm to collect his Christmas bride, he receives a shock. The woman arrives with a baby she says is hers.

Will Butch honor the promise he made when he signed the proxy form or will he lose out on future happiness because of past hurt?

Genre: Inspirational

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