book cover of Boston Fall 3

Boston Fall 3

(A book in the In the October Fall World series)
A novel by

After a catastrophic EMP attack on the United States, Leonard and Mel Haakensen continue their journey by bicycle to their home—and Jessica—in Colorado. Fate intervenes as they near the Colorado state border when Mel is waylaid in an unexpected attack and Leonard, despite his misgivings, decides to help rescue the mother of a young teenage girl they meet on the road.

In the meantime, Franny Schecter, Mel's best friend, has gone missing from the Haakensens’ family hideaway on the Western Slope of the Rocky Mountains. Jessica and Franny’s parents hear rumors of an apocalyptic polygamist cult that may be kidnapping young women to become brides for the group’s “Prophet” as the madman continues his quest to build a kingdom in Colorado and Utah. Will they find Franny in time to rescue her? Will Leonard and Mel finally make their way over the Rocky mountains and join Jessica?

Find out in the concluding book of the Boston Fall Series.

As always this book is family-friendly, with clean language and no scenes to make you blush. A thread of Christian faith runs through the story. Due to the genre, there are some depictions of graphic violence and bloodshed.

And as in all my books, BOSTON FALL 3 asks the eternal question, “How do catastrophic events affect our faith, and where and how do we find God in the midst of tragedy?” My characters are people who wrestle with their personal beliefs and sometimes lose the match. They ask, “How can God allow suffering on a massive scale and still be called good?” The same questions I ask myself all the time… My characters, like myself, often don’t find the answer and have to live with the ambiguity. That, after all, is the life of faith.

Genre: Science Fiction

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