A talkative parrot, that is.
You see, one day, Peterkin (that's the little boy who this book is about) noticed a parrot in a window. Now if you know Peterkin like I know Peterkin, you'll understand how the dear boy can be.
Well, anyway, the old lady who owned the parrot said, my word, young lad! Would you like to come in and meet my parrot? Naturally, Peterkin, being ever so polite, said, Why thank you, ma'am. I shall.
And that when he misadventures started!
Why, of course Mother was in a dither! Finally, though, we found Peterkin and the truth emerged. Dear sweet and contrite Peterkin was all fretful apologies to Mother, who didn't scold him at all.
But then there came the incident that shall live forever in the family history.
The train. Oh my, the train!
Genre: Children's Fiction
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