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The Colour of Bone

(Book 11 in the Sebastian Foxley Medieval Murder Mystery series)
A novel by

It’s May 1480 in the City of London.

After workmen discover a nun’s body in a newly-opened tomb, talented artist and bookseller Seb Foxley is persuaded to assist in solving the mystery of her death.

Evil is once more abroad in the crowded, grimy streets of medieval London and even in the grandest of royal mansions, where a member of the Duke of Gloucester’s household meets an untimely end. And some wicked rogue is setting fires in the city. No house is safe from the hungry flames.

Will Seb and his loved ones come to grief when a man returns from the dead and Seb has to appear before the Lord Mayor?

Join our hero as he feasts with royalty, struggles to save his business and attempts to unravel this latest medieval murder mystery.

Praise for Toni Mount's Sebastian Foxley Medieval Murder Mystery Series
"An evocative masterclass in storytelling." - Tony Riches, author of The Tudor Trilogy
"It’s superb. What a plot. What characters" - Carol McGrath, author of the She-wolves trilogy
“…takes the reader to the dark heart of medieval London.” - Tracy Borman, historian and broadcaster

History is full of exciting true stories which I adapt to suit the tale I’m telling. What happens to Adam in ‘Bone’ really happened to a man in Tudor times. Ralph Sadleir was secretary to Thomas Cromwell. As a young man, he married Cromwell’s cousin, a widow with two children. Eleven years of bliss and more children followed, and then his wife’s ‘dead’ husband came home, expecting to take up where they’d left off! In the eyes of the law, Ralph was an adulterer and father to a brood of illegitimate children. I was cruel to do the same to poor Adam.
I love creating stories and researching is part of the fun yet also frustrating. I try to keep the medieval flavour in everything I write. Mixing fact and fiction is what I love, so both play a huge part in my novels. Seb is still my favourite character. It would be difficult to continue ‘The Colour of…’ series if I went off my hero. As for other characters, grouchy Jude is great to write, especially if I’m not in the most lovable mood. If he throws something to vent his temper, my crockery is no longer in such danger. It’s great therapy. But me and Seb… he’s like a third son to me.
It does take determination and even stubbornness to get any book written. A historical novel series such as this is no different. On the plus side, the main characters are as familiar to me as my family. I have a pretty good idea of how they will react to a particular situation, even so, people you think you know well can always surprise you. I follow Stephen King’s advice, to put my character/s in a situation, wind them up and let them go. This is my way of writing. I’m not big on planning: Seb & co do that for me.
On the minus side, finding new elements becomes more difficult as the series continues. Seb is older now, a family man, a respectable citizen rising in status and prosperity. He’s bound to have changed in certain ways but how? Having extra responsibilities may make him more cautious – even boring. Is money becoming too important to him? Is he always thinking of his reputation; how do others regard him? All these aspects were part of life for medieval Londoners but Seb has to retain a certain innocence and naivety. Change is vital to keep him interesting and fresh - he’s less of a wimp these days and more confident.

Genre: Historical Mystery

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