Nurse Foster began admiring him, grew to love him and ended by despisinghim. It was as simple as that. This strange volte-face took place when, astheatre nurse, she first saw him work as a surgeon. A more demanding,over-bearing man she had yet to meet. Then she discovered that her sisterhad come under this man's spell, and in order to protect the girl from thesharp disillusionment she knew must follow, she evolved a little plan of herown. I seemed a good plan at the outset, but before long she was near toconfessing she had made a hopeless mess of things as she watched her ownhappiness, her sister's and even the unsuspecting surgeon's disappear intothe melting pot of her well-intentioned contriving. Fortunately thesituation again took an unexpected turn and in the end worked out well foreveryone; which made Nurse Foster wonder how foolish can be the human heart.
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