Fitz-James O'Brien lived only 33 years -- from 1828 till 1862 -- but in his brief life he left a mark that endures today. O'Brien endures because he was a remarkable writer. Remarkable indeed! He had a way of blending of hard fact with almost-fanciful fantasy, juxtaposing technology and mysticism, creating convincing and "scientific" settings that play against the otherworldly romance. For all the weird fancifulness -- these days O'Brien is read mostly as a successor to Edgar Allan Poe -- his work has qualities we now associate with science fiction.
The Supernatural Tales of Fitz-James O'Brien
1. Macabre Tales (1988)
2. Dream Stories and Fantasies (1988)
1. Macabre Tales (1988)
2. Dream Stories and Fantasies (1988)
The Poems and Stories of Fitz-James O'Brien (poems) (1881)
What Was It? (1889)
Collected Stories (1925)
The Diamond Lens (1932)
The Fantastic Tales of Fitz-James O'Brien (1977) (with Michael Hayes)
What Was It? (1889)
Collected Stories (1925)
The Diamond Lens (1932)
The Fantastic Tales of Fitz-James O'Brien (1977) (with Michael Hayes)
Novellas and Short Stories
Non fiction show
Books containing stories by Fitz-James O'Brien

Haunted Tales (2022)
Classic Stories of Ghosts and the Supernatural
edited by
Leslie S Klinger and Lisa Morton
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