On the outer edges of the solar system, C.A.T., an illegal computer animated toy with Artificial Intelligence, is on patrol with Commander Zacman in the hunt for a missing spaceliner, stolen by C.A.T.s arch-nemesis, S.MAI-L, a rogue AI with a vendetta against humanity. It controls a faction of bandits, via chip implants, to do its dirty work, raiding outposts on Pluto, Nereid, and Triton Base itself. However, using C.A.T.s advanced computing power, the Service protecting the Neptune System prevails, so the AI retaliates with quantum vacuum waves from beyond the Kuiper Belt and a gravity laser that will pulverize Triton to dust and ice. While Zacman and his pilots attack the AI-generated doomsday weapon, C.A.T. uploads his digital self into the network on a search and destroy mission to delete S.MAI-L before the edge of existence is reduced to desolation and the AI moves on to its next target...Earth, where it will enslave humans to their own technology.
Genre: Science Fiction
Genre: Science Fiction
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