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43 books added
43 books added
Bill Peet

Picture Books show
Goliath II (1959)
Hubert's Hair Raising Adventure (1959)
Huge Harold (1961)
The Pinkish, Purplish, Bluish Egg (1963)
Ella (1964)
Randy's Dandy Lions (1964)
Kermit the Hermit (1965)
Capyboppy (1966)
Farewell to Shady Glade (1966)
Smokey (1966)
Buford (1967)
Jennifer & Josephine (1967)
Fly, Homer, Fly (1969)
The Whingdingdilly (1970)
The Wump World (1970)
The Caboose Who Got Loose (1971)
How Droofus the Dragon Lost His Head (1971)
Countdown to Christmas (1972)
The Ant and the Elephant (1972)
The Spooky Tail of Prewitt Peacock (1973)
Merle the High Flying Squirrel (1974)
Cyrus the Unsinkable Sea Serpent (1975)
The Gnats of Knotty Pine (1975)
Big Bad Bruce (1977)
Eli (1978)
Cowardly Clyde (1979)
The Luckiest One of All (1982)
No Such Things (1983)
Pamela Camel (1984)
Encore for Eleanor (1985)
The Kweeks of Kookatumdee (1985)
Zella, Zack, and Zodiac (1986)
Jethro and Joel Were a Troll (1987)
Cock-a-doodle Dudley (1990)
Hubert's Hair Raising Adventure (1959)
Huge Harold (1961)
The Pinkish, Purplish, Bluish Egg (1963)
Ella (1964)
Randy's Dandy Lions (1964)
Kermit the Hermit (1965)
Capyboppy (1966)
Farewell to Shady Glade (1966)
Smokey (1966)
Buford (1967)
Jennifer & Josephine (1967)
Fly, Homer, Fly (1969)
The Whingdingdilly (1970)
The Wump World (1970)
The Caboose Who Got Loose (1971)
How Droofus the Dragon Lost His Head (1971)
Countdown to Christmas (1972)
The Ant and the Elephant (1972)
The Spooky Tail of Prewitt Peacock (1973)
Merle the High Flying Squirrel (1974)
Cyrus the Unsinkable Sea Serpent (1975)
The Gnats of Knotty Pine (1975)
Big Bad Bruce (1977)
Eli (1978)
Cowardly Clyde (1979)
The Luckiest One of All (1982)
No Such Things (1983)
Pamela Camel (1984)
Encore for Eleanor (1985)
The Kweeks of Kookatumdee (1985)
Zella, Zack, and Zodiac (1986)
Jethro and Joel Were a Troll (1987)
Cock-a-doodle Dudley (1990)
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