Mei lives in an enchanted herbalist shop with her father, guardians of ancient spells that for generations her family has been charged to protect...magic that the royal family desperately needs on their quest to fight the lingering effects of a broken curse that is slowly destroying the kingdom.
When Mei’s sickly father is charged to join the king’s cause, Mei doesn't even question her decision in disguising herself as a boy and taking his place, despite the risks involved should she be caught. She will do all within her power to protect her family's secrets so that their coveted spells don't fall into the hands of the greedy royal leading the quest, Prince Darcel.
But the moment Mei joins the magical quest, she finds herself entangled in something beyond a grand adventure fighting against the corrupt magic raging throughout the landshe’s quickly losing her heart to the prince she swore to forever loathe...a man who has no idea she’s not who she seems, or what powers she’s truly capable of. What consequences will befall a simple apprentice in disguise when Prince Darcel discovers not only her true identity, but that her mission has been to thwart him and his mission all along?
Inspired by "Mulan"
Genre: Young Adult Fantasy
When Mei’s sickly father is charged to join the king’s cause, Mei doesn't even question her decision in disguising herself as a boy and taking his place, despite the risks involved should she be caught. She will do all within her power to protect her family's secrets so that their coveted spells don't fall into the hands of the greedy royal leading the quest, Prince Darcel.
But the moment Mei joins the magical quest, she finds herself entangled in something beyond a grand adventure fighting against the corrupt magic raging throughout the landshe’s quickly losing her heart to the prince she swore to forever loathe...a man who has no idea she’s not who she seems, or what powers she’s truly capable of. What consequences will befall a simple apprentice in disguise when Prince Darcel discovers not only her true identity, but that her mission has been to thwart him and his mission all along?
Inspired by "Mulan"
Genre: Young Adult Fantasy
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