This groundbreaking science-fiction collection explores worlds separated from our own by imperceptible veils. In Liquid Earth, reality melts along a rustic Main Street in Shrub Oak, New York. The Lobotomy Club begins in a New Orleans bar, and Sushi Never Sleeps in a New York electronics store. Egg Drop Soup starts with a walk along the tranquil Chesapeake River. All familiar settings at first glance, but a new reality awaits...
You'll visit worlds replete with beautiful women and their surgically altered brains, fractal sex, Noah's Ark, hyperspace physics, hallucinating androids, prophetic ants, exotic sushi, satanic aliens, vitamin B-12, novel plastics, cosmic wormholes, and quests for God and the structure of ultimate reality.
Genre: Science Fiction
You'll visit worlds replete with beautiful women and their surgically altered brains, fractal sex, Noah's Ark, hyperspace physics, hallucinating androids, prophetic ants, exotic sushi, satanic aliens, vitamin B-12, novel plastics, cosmic wormholes, and quests for God and the structure of ultimate reality.
Genre: Science Fiction
Used availability for Clifford A Pickover's Egg Drop Soup