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12 books added

Daniela Petrova

Daniela Petrova is a recipient of an Artist Fellowship in Writing from the Massachusetts Cultural Council. Her short stories, poems and essays have been published in The New York Times, The Washington Post, Salon, and Marie Claire. Born and raised in Sofia, Bulgaria, Petrova currently lives in New York City.

Genres: Mystery
Daniela Petrova recommends
The Wicked Unseen (2023)
Gigi Griffis
"Loved it! Read it in two sittings."
Girls Without Tears (2022)
T L Finlay
"Tense, exciting, and full of twists, Girls Without Tears will keep you turning the pages until the shocking end. This gripping tale of love, friendship and betrayal in a small Florida community features an intriguing cast of characters led by a unique protagonist with a rare medical condition. A must read!"
The Family Tree (2021)
Nicole Mabry and Steph Mullin
"Mesmerizing and chilling, The Family Tree simmers with tension. Expertly paced, it will keep you turning the pages right up to the stunning conclusion."

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