Eighteen stories, a poem, and a letter all about the fabled Southwestern Jackalope. Read as a lonely jackalope comes into his own, learn how Ronald Reagan used his jackalope to find political success, explore the horrific ramifications as jackalopes terrorize those unlucky enough to cross their paths...and meet other creatures along the way, like the mighty chupacabra and terrifying moths. This collection explores many aspects of the world of the jackalope!
Jeff Strand
Sèphera Girón
Rick Pickman
Rachel Towns
Kristi Petersen Schoonover
Brenda Knutson
Michael Bailey
Jack Horne
David J. West
Eric S. Grizzle
Aaron J. French
D.T. Griffith
Erik Williams
Abbie Bernstein
Matt Kurtz
Misty Dahl
Jezzy Wolfe
Dean M. Drinkel
Mike D. McCarty
Genre: Fantasy
Jeff Strand
Sèphera Girón
Rick Pickman
Rachel Towns
Kristi Petersen Schoonover
Brenda Knutson
Michael Bailey
Jack Horne
David J. West
Eric S. Grizzle
Aaron J. French
D.T. Griffith
Erik Williams
Abbie Bernstein
Matt Kurtz
Misty Dahl
Jezzy Wolfe
Dean M. Drinkel
Mike D. McCarty
Genre: Fantasy
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