Discover Kim Paffenroth's haunting novel of after-life discovery and family ties...
Christoph Hahn came to the United States to build a new life after WWII devastated his homeland of Germany and scattered his family. He found a good job, a beautiful wife, and built a little storybook land along a busy highway - a wooded idyll that generations of children loved in the 60s and 70s. Now it's 2007, and he's dead - but not gone. Instead, his spirit is condemned to linger, struggling to understand and atone for his mistakes.
Genre: Horror
Christoph Hahn came to the United States to build a new life after WWII devastated his homeland of Germany and scattered his family. He found a good job, a beautiful wife, and built a little storybook land along a busy highway - a wooded idyll that generations of children loved in the 60s and 70s. Now it's 2007, and he's dead - but not gone. Instead, his spirit is condemned to linger, struggling to understand and atone for his mistakes.
Genre: Horror
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