book cover of Have Cats - Will Crime-Solve

Have Cats - Will Crime-Solve

(The third book in the Cats & Crimes series)
A novel by

Lorilee Riley has eight cats, a ward named Jesse, and now, an interesting, attractive new friend named Nate. While she enjoys Nate's company, Jess is suspicious. Why is the man staying in neighbor Art Fusilli's home? Why does he disappear at times? And why are scary-looking men cruising the neighborhood, asking about him?
While Lorilee wants to help Nate, Jess would like him to go back to wherever he came from. A couple of murders and several visits from the police make things tense between Jess and Lorilee, but in the end, it all comes down to finding Lorilee, so she doesn't become a pawn in a deadly game of...cats and more cats.

Genre: Mystery

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