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20 books added

Mike Papantonio

Mike Papantonio is a truth-teller, a crusader who uses fiction to entertain and inform his readers about some of the most pressing issues of our time. In each of his thrillers, from Law And Disorder to Law And Vengeance, and now Law And Addiction, he lays bare the conspiracies and white-collar crimes that hurt ordinary Americans ― and that are rarely covered by the national media.

A senior partner of Levin Papantonio, one of the country’s largest plaintiffs’ law firms, Papantonio uses his own cases as springboards for his novels. He has aggressively taken on Big Pharma, tobacco, weapon manufacturer, and the automobile industry, among other bastions of corporate greed.

One of the youngest inductees into the Trial Lawyer Hall of Fame, Papantonio is also a well- known media presence as host of America’s Lawyer on the RT America television network and co-host of the syndicated radio show Ring of Fire. A skilled musician and athlete, he is based in Pensacola, Florida.

Genres: Thriller, Mystery
New and upcoming books
Nick 'Deke' Deketomis
   1. Law and Disorder (2016)
   2. Law and Vengeance (2017)
   3. Law and Addiction (2019)
   4. Inhuman Trafficking (2021) (with Alan Russell)
   5. Suspicious Activity (2024) (with Christopher Paulos)
   6. The Middleman (2025)

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