Naheed Phiroze Patel recommends

Call Her Freedom (2025)
Tara Dorabji
"A novel that evokes the scent of cardamom, rose water, pine needles, and freshly fallen snow. A treat for the senses and a balm for the soul, Call Her Freedom takes readers up into the heart of the Himalayas, where they'll meet Aisha, a young, sensitive, yet headstrong protagonist, and her mother, Noor Jahan, a complicated woman and a flawed parent - whose presence and legacy are imbued through these pages like red poppies on a hidden mountainside. With dexterity and exquisite empathy, Dorabji maps the heartbreak of a region torn apart by greed, betrayal and conflict onto a vivid cast of characters - each of whom are unforgettable, cathartic and breathtakingly real."