In the enigmatic city of Lincoln, Arizona, where the paranormal thrives, a groundbreaking initiative is born: the Supernatural Division. Leading this charge is Troy Lopez, the first (and only) Vampire Police Officer. His mission? To fight crime from within the shadows, but Troy's true battle is to win the trust of a town that fears what lurks in the darkness.
With his new partner, the sharp-witted Detective Denise Tran, at his side, Troy must navigate the complexities of law enforcement, supernatural politics, and his own vampiric nature. But in a city where every shadow could hide a threat, and every whisper might tell a tale of treachery, can Troy prove that a creature of the night can truly serve the light of justice?
Masque of the Night is the thrilling first installment in The Deceiver's Bloodline trilogy, where the stakes are higher than blood, and loyalty is thicker than night itself.
Embark on this supernatural odyssey where law meets lore, and the path to redemption is paved with danger. Secure your copy today and step into the world where the night watch changes forever.
Genre: Urban Fantasy
With his new partner, the sharp-witted Detective Denise Tran, at his side, Troy must navigate the complexities of law enforcement, supernatural politics, and his own vampiric nature. But in a city where every shadow could hide a threat, and every whisper might tell a tale of treachery, can Troy prove that a creature of the night can truly serve the light of justice?
Masque of the Night is the thrilling first installment in The Deceiver's Bloodline trilogy, where the stakes are higher than blood, and loyalty is thicker than night itself.
Embark on this supernatural odyssey where law meets lore, and the path to redemption is paved with danger. Secure your copy today and step into the world where the night watch changes forever.
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Used availability for P S Power's Masque of the Night