book cover of Ravel


(The second book in the Ripples in the Status Quo series)
A Novella by

For the past few years, Reese has hidden away in his home, refusing to venture out where he might have to face what reminds him of all that he's lost. When Ashton, a human thief, breaks into his home one night, he doesn't have a choice but to face the harsh truths of the world he's turned his back on. He knows he supports the society monsters of myth and lore built upon the backs of humans through his silence, but the new leaders don't tolerate sympathizers.

If a werewolf can't act against the status quo without facing severe consequences, a human with Ashton's cunning and experience circumventing supernatural predators certainly can't risk drawing their attention. Their chance encounter leaves them both shaken and questioning whether they are living life as they were intended--or if surviving is really living at all.


From light to grey to dark, follow those who test and defy the status quo's subjugation of humans. In a world where the supernatural reign supreme, only love can set off the ripples that could change this depraved world for the better. But will the cost be too high?

'Bought,' 'Ravel,' and 'Recoil' feature different characters whose lives begin to come together in 'Owned' and 'Temper.'

1. Bought - Jace & Elias.
2. Ravel - Ashton & Reese.
3. Recoil - Khaz & Noah.
4. Owned - Khaz & Noah, Jace & Elias.
5. Temper - Ashton & Reese, Jace & Elias.

*Please note that the RISQ world has little place for humanity, and as a result, content in these works may contain graphic scenes of depravity, cruelty, and violence--sexual or otherwise--that could be offensive and potentially triggering to some readers.*

Genre: Paranormal Romance

Used availability for R Phoenix's Ravel

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