120 books added

Courtney Lynn Rose

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Courtney Lynn Rose grew up in Baltimore and is pretty sure she threw her ability to give a f**k into the Inner Harbor long before high school. Like almost every writer on the planet, she started writing at a very young age. Her “way with words” led to her being the go-to person for writing funeral speeches for a long time. She tried poetry during that typical teenage phase when, like most, she thought it was her sole purpose to contemplate the existence of life and love, and all the other things she thought she knew about.
For fourteen years she left the writing world behind and worked full-time as a paranormal investigator and demonologist until retiring in 2014. During that time, she had three children, earned a degree in Psychology, and eventually got back to writing. 
While all things paranormal will always be Courtney’s heart and soul, closing the door on that career opened up a plethora of ways to use that knowledge and experience to scare the hell out of people through her writing and public talks.
Today she lives in East Tennessee with her children and spends a majority of her time writing things that makes people smile while cutting their emotions deep, and running her own professional editing company. Her novels pull from life and bring to light the things she holds fiercely in her DNA—abuse and addiction survival, domestic violence, and above all, the notion and belief that love, loyalty, and friendship are the bonds which hold every relationship together. Courtney has also recently dove into the new world of cover modeling and she’s more excited (and nervous) then she can express to start gracing the covers of her peers.


Genres: Romantic Suspense
Agents of Interpol
   1. The Auction Block (2019)
   2. The Gallows at Midnight (2019)
   3. Requiem (2022)
Emerald Isle MC
   0.5. Arctic (2020)
   1. Shamrock (2019)
   2. Dire (2020)
   3. Timber (2020)
   4. Claddagh (2022)
   5. Grey (2022)
   6. Shamrock's Purgatory (2022)
Lakeview Coast
   1. #Lovestrong (2020)
   2. #PhiThetaForever (2021)
   3. #Beautiful (2022)
   4. #WithoutConsent (2022)
Smoky Mountain Regulators MC
   0.5. Saving Raylynn (2020)
   1. Dancin' with Demons (2023)
   2. Corrupting Innocence (2024)
   1. The Haunting of Samantha Monroe (2022)
Solstice Wars
   Yuletide (2022)
   Dominated by Desire (2019) (with others)
   Bad to the Bone (2019) (with others)
   Falling into Chaos (2019) (with others)
   Immortal Lust (2019) (with others)
   Web of Lies (2020) (with others)
   Guns Blazing (2020) (with others)
   Rocked to the Core (2020) (with others)
   Twisted Steel (2020) (with others)
   Call My Bluff (2020) (with others)
   Blood In The Mirror (2020) (with others)
   Remembering Ryan (2021) (with others)
   Rebirth Of The Dark Hunter (2022) (with others)
   Tell Me No Lies (2023) (with others)
   Their Desires (2023) (with others)
   Bred To Be Owned (2023) (with others)
   First Kiss (2024) (with others)
Novellas and Short Stories
   In Her Stilettos (2021)
   Accidental Revenge (2022)
   Jersey Love (2022)
Omnibus editions show

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