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242 books added

Cynthia Riggs

USA flag (b.1931)

Cynthia Riggs, a tall gray-haired and imposing figure, is a 13th generation Islander, the mother of five and daughter of author and poet Dionis Coffin Riggs and school principal and printmaker Sidney N. Riggs.

With a degree in geology, her own remarkable resumé -- writing for the National Geographic Society and Smithsonian (she spent two months in Antarctica), working in public relations for the American Petroleum Institute, operating boat charters (she lived on a 44-foot houseboat for 12 years), running the Chesapeake Bay Ferry Boat Company, and being a rigger at Martha's Vineyard Shipyard.After enrolling six years ago in the Master of Fine Arts creative writing program at Vermont College, Riggs found yet another calling. She has become a successful mystery writer.

Genres: Mystery
Martha's Vineyard Mystery
   1. Deadly NightShade (2001)
   2. The Cranefly Orchid Murders (2002)
   3. The Cemetery Yew (2003)
   4. Jack in the Pulpit (2004)
   5. The Paperwhite Narcissus (2005)
   6. Indian Pipes (2006)
   7. Shooting Star (2007)
   Double Murder On Martha's Vineyard (2007)
   8. Death and Honesty (2009)
   9. Touch-Me-Not (2010)
   Victoria Trumball's Secrets of Martha's Vineyard (2010)
   10. The Bee Balm Murders (2011)
   11. Poison Ivy (2012)
   12. Bloodroot (2016)
   13. Trumpet of Death (2017)
   14. Widow's Wreath (2018)

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