34 books added

Alice Slater

Alice Slater spent six years working as a bookseller with Waterstones. She started as a Christmas temp in Manchester Deansgate and worked her way up to bookshop manager of Romford, then Gower Street's fiction section, and eventually Notting Hill Gate, lending a hand in 20 different branches across the UK on the way. Now a London-based writer, she is a co-host of literary podcast "What Page Are You On?" and writes about short stories for Mslexia.

Genres: Mystery
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Alice Slater recommends
The House of Mirrors (2024)
Erin Kelly
"Full of duplicity, doppelgangers and dead girls' dresses, The House of Mirrors delivers a white-knuckle ride as a murky past creeps up on the present. I don't think I took a breath until I found myself screaming my way through the crescendo."
Scrap (2024)
Calla Henkel
"Scrap offers a bricolage of arson, true crime, mystery and murder that takes its readers from the cosy humility of scrapbooking to the lofty heights of champagne dinners, exclusive gallery openings and private jets. At its wicked heart - a knotted mystery too intriguing to leave unpicked."
Butter (2024)
Asako Yuzuki
"A delectable meditation on appetite, fatphobia and misogyny in modern Japan - Butter is a salty morsel with one hell of a bite."

Award nominations
2024 CrimeFest: Specsavers Debut Crime Novel Award (nominee) : Death of a Bookseller
2024 Authors' Club Best First Novel Award (nominee) : Death of a Bookseller

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