A modern-day tale of music and magic...
Jeremy Cahill's gifted cello playing calls the creatures of Faerie to him. As a boy, his Irish grandmother crafts him a charm to keep the fair folk at bay - but when it finally fails, Jeremy must face the terrifying power of Faerie... alone.
Music's Price is a short story of 5200 words (approx. 25 pages) originally published in Fiction River's Hex in the City Anthology (12/13).
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Jeremy Cahill's gifted cello playing calls the creatures of Faerie to him. As a boy, his Irish grandmother crafts him a charm to keep the fair folk at bay - but when it finally fails, Jeremy must face the terrifying power of Faerie... alone.
Music's Price is a short story of 5200 words (approx. 25 pages) originally published in Fiction River's Hex in the City Anthology (12/13).
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Used availability for Anthea Sharp's Music's Price