Other books
Snoopy-brothers and Sisters (1989)
Snoopy Annual 1993 (1992)
I Told You So, Blockhead (1999)
The World Is Filled With Mondays (1999)
Dogs Are Worth It (1999)
Peanuts Treasury (2000)
Peanuts Anniversary Treasury (2000)
You Really Don't Look 50, Charlie Brown! (2000)
It's a Dog's Life, Snoopy (2001)
The World According to Lucy (2002)
Now, That's Profound, Charlie Brown (2003)
I Told You So, You Blockhead! (2003)
Snoopy Annual 1993 (1992)
I Told You So, Blockhead (1999)
The World Is Filled With Mondays (1999)
Dogs Are Worth It (1999)
Peanuts Treasury (2000)
Peanuts Anniversary Treasury (2000)
You Really Don't Look 50, Charlie Brown! (2000)
It's a Dog's Life, Snoopy (2001)
The World According to Lucy (2002)
Now, That's Profound, Charlie Brown (2003)
I Told You So, You Blockhead! (2003)