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New and upcoming books
Anthologies edited
   Stories of the Apocalypse (2011) (with Anne C Perry)
   Pandemonium: Lost Souls (2012) (with Anne C Perry)
   A Town Called Pandemonium (2012) (with Anne C Perry)
   The Lowest Heaven (2013)
   We Need to Talk (2015)
   The Djinn Falls in Love and Other Stories (2017) (with Mahvesh Murad)
   The Outcast Hours (2019) (with Mahvesh Murad)
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Anthology series
Jared Shurin recommends
The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August (2014)
Claire North
"A thoughtful and considered time-travel novel, shocking twists and, most important of all, a beautiful character. Harry August will break your heart fifteen times."

Award nominations
2018 Locus Award for Best Anthology (nominee) : The Djinn Falls in Love and Other Stories

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