Barry Loser
1 I Am Not a Loser (2012)
2 I Am Still Not a Loser (2013)
3 I am so over being a Loser (2013)
4 I Am Sort of a Loser (2014)
5 The Holiday of Doom (2014)
6 The Case of the Crumpled Carton (2015)
6.2 My Dad Is a Loser (2012)
6.5 My Mum Is A Loser (2012)
6.8 The Curse of Terry Claus (2014)
7 Hates Half Term (2016)
8 The Birthday Billions (2017)
9 Worst School Trip Ever! (2018)
10 Barry Loser Is the Best at Football - Not! (2018)
11 The Trouble with Pets (2019)
2 I Am Still Not a Loser (2013)
3 I am so over being a Loser (2013)
4 I Am Sort of a Loser (2014)
5 The Holiday of Doom (2014)
6 The Case of the Crumpled Carton (2015)
6.2 My Dad Is a Loser (2012)
6.5 My Mum Is A Loser (2012)
6.8 The Curse of Terry Claus (2014)
7 Hates Half Term (2016)
8 The Birthday Billions (2017)
9 Worst School Trip Ever! (2018)
10 Barry Loser Is the Best at Football - Not! (2018)
11 The Trouble with Pets (2019)
Genre Pages