Not sure home education is right for you? Nor was Keris Stainton...
Keris Stainton had never really considered home education. It just seemed too radical. Eccentric. Different. Weird.
But it's estimated that over 50,000 children are home educated in the UK and this figure is rising by 65% per year - they can't all be weirdos, can they?
Turns out that deciding to take her 7-year-old son out of school was the perfect way to find out.
This book is a collection of Keris's blog posts over two years of blogging about her family's (hugely positive) experience of home education. It also includes interviews with other home educating families, because one of the most interesting things about home ed is that everyone does it differently.
Used availability for Keris Stainton's Happy Home Ed: More joy, together, every day.