| 2023 Locus Award for Best Collection (nominee) : The Best of Lucius Shepard, Vol. 2 |
| 2014 Locus Award for Best Collection (nominee) : Five Autobiographies and a Fiction |
| 2013 World Fantasy Award for Best Novella (nominee) : The Skull |
| 2013 Locus Award for Best Collection (nominee) : The Dragon Griaule |
| 2012 World Fantasy Award for Best Novella (nominee) : Rose Street Attractors |
| 2012 Shirley Jackson Award for Best Novella (nominee) : Rose Street Attractors |
| 2012 Shirley Jackson Award for Best Novelette (nominee) : Ditch Witch |
| 2011 Locus Award for Best Novella (nominee) : The Taborin Scale |
| 2010 Locus Award for Best Collection (nominee) : Viator Plus |
| 2009 Locus Award for Best Collection (nominee) : The Best of Lucius Shepard |
| 2008 World Fantasy Award for Best Novella (nominee) : Stars Seen through Stone |
| 2008 World Fantasy Award for Best Collection (nominee) : Dagger Key: And Other Stories |
| 2008 Locus Award for Best Novella (nominee) : Stars Seen through Stone |
| 2008 Locus Award for Best Novella (nominee) : Dead Money |
| 2008 Locus Award for Best Novella (nominee) : Dagger Key: And Other Stories |
| 2008 Locus Award for Best Fantasy Novel (nominee) : Softspoken |
| 2008 Locus Award for Best Collection (nominee) : Dagger Key: And Other Stories |
| 2008 Hugo Award for Best Novella (nominee) : Stars Seen through Stone |
| 2007 Nebula Award for Best Novella (nominee) : Stars Seen through Stone |
| 2006 Locus Award for Best Novella (nominee) : The Emperor |
| 2005 World Fantasy Award for Best Collection (nominee) : Trujillo |
| 2005 Locus Award for Best Novella (nominee) : Viator |
| 2005 Locus Award for Best Fantasy Novel (nominee) : A Handbook of American Prayer |
| 2005 Locus Award for Best Collection (nominee) : Two Trains Running |
| 2005 Locus Award for Best Collection (nominee) : Trujillo |
| 2005 British Fantasy Award for Best Collection (nominee) : Trujillo |
| 2004 Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award (nominee) : Only Partly Here |
| 2004 Locus Award for Best Novella (nominee) : Liar's House |
| 2004 Locus Award for Best Novella (nominee) : Jailwise |
| 2004 Locus Award for Best Novella (nominee) : Ariel |
| 2003 Locus Award for Best Novella (nominee) : Over Yonder |
| 2003 Locus Award for Best Novella (nominee) : The Drive-In Puerto Rico |
| 2003 Bram Stoker Award for Superior Achievement in Long Fiction (nominee) : Louisiana Breakdown |
| 2002 World Fantasy Award for Best Novella (nominee) : Eternity and Afterward |
| 2002 Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award (nominee) : Eternity and Afterward |
| 2002 Locus Award for Best Novella (nominee) : Eternity and Afterward |
| 2001 Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award (nominee) : Radiant Green Star |
| 2001 Nebula Award for Best Novella (nominee) : Radiant Green Star |
| 2000 World Fantasy Award for Best Novella (nominee) : Crocodile Rock |
| 2000 Nebula Award for Best Novella (nominee) : Crocodile Rock |
| 2000 Locus Award for Best Novella (nominee) : Crocodile Rock |
| 1998 Locus Award for Best Collection (nominee) : Barnacle Bill the Spacer: And Other Stories |
| 1997 Locus Award for Best Novella (nominee) : Human History |
| 1996 Locus Award for Best Novella (nominee) : Human History |
| 1995 World Fantasy Award for Best Novella (nominee) : The Last Time [short story] |
| 1995 Locus Award for Best Novella (nominee) : The Last Time |
| 1992 Nebula Award for Best Novella (nominee) : Barnacle Bill the Spacer [short story] |
| 1991 Nebula Award for Best Novelette (nominee) : The All-Consuming |
| 1991 Locus Award for Best Novella (nominee) : Skull City |
| 1991 Locus Award for Best Novella (nominee) : Kalimantan |
| 1991 Locus Award for Best Collection (nominee) : The Ends of the Earth: Fourteen Stories |
| 1990 World Fantasy Award for Best Novella (nominee) : The Father of Stones [short story] |
| 1990 Locus Award for Best Novella (nominee) : The Ends of the Earth: Fourteen Stories |
| 1990 Hugo Award for Best Novella (nominee) : The Fathers of Stones |
| 1989 World Fantasy Award for Best Short Story (nominee) : Life of Buddha |
| 1989 World Fantasy Award for Best Novella (nominee) : The Scalehunter's Beautiful Daughter [short story] |
| 1989 Locus Award for Best Novella (nominee) : Noman's Land |
| 1989 Hugo Award for Best Novella (nominee) : The Scalehunter's Beautiful Daughter [short story] |
| 1989 Arthur C. Clarke Award (nominee) : Life During Wartime |
| 1988 World Fantasy Award for Best Novella (nominee) : Shades |
| 1988 Philip K Dick Award (nominee) : Life During Wartime |
| 1988 Nebula Award for Best Novella (nominee) : The Scalehunter's Beautiful Daughter [short story] |
| 1988 Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel (nominee) : Life During Wartime |
| 1988 Locus Award for Best Novella (nominee) : The Sun Spider |
| 1988 Locus Award for Best Novella (nominee) : Shades |
| 1988 Locus Award for Best Novella (nominee) : On the Border |
| 1988 Bram Stoker Award for Superior Achievement in Short Fiction (nominee) : Jack's Decline |
| 1988 BSFA Award for Best Novel (nominee) : Life During Wartime |
| 1987 Hugo Award for Best Novella (nominee) : R&R |
| 1987 Arthur C. Clarke Award (nominee) : Green Eyes |
| 1986 World Fantasy Award for Best Short Story (nominee) : The Jaguar Hunter [short story] |
| 1986 Nebula Award for Best Novelette (nominee) : Aymara |
| 1986 Locus Award for Best Novella (nominee) : How the Wind Spoke at Madaket |
| 1985 World Fantasy Award for Best Novella (nominee) : The Man Who Painted the Dragon Griaule |
| 1985 Nebula Award for Best Novelette (nominee) : The Jaguar Hunter [short story] |
| 1985 Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel (nominee) : Green Eyes |
| 1985 Locus Award for Best Novella (nominee) : A Traveler's Tale |
| 1985 Locus Award for Best First Novel (nominee) : Green Eyes |
| 1985 John W. Campbell Memorial Award (nominee) : Green Eyes |
| 1985 Hugo Award for Best Short Story (nominee) : Salvador |
| 1985 Hugo Award for Best Novelette (nominee) : The Man Who Painted the Dragon Griaule |
| 1985 BSFA Award for Best Short Fiction (nominee) : The Man Who Painted the Dragon Griaule |
| 1984 World Fantasy Award for Best Short Story (nominee) : Solitario's Eyes |
| 1984 Nebula Award for Best Short Story (nominee) : Salvador |
| 1984 Nebula Award for Best Novella (nominee) : A Traveler's Tale |
| 1984 Nebula Award for Best Novelette (nominee) : The Man Who Painted the Dragon Griaule |