Award nominations
Mary South recommends
Sleeping Alone (2022)Ru Freeman"These deftly controlled stories almost prickle the skin with their secrets, with the shame and longing and injustice, both personal and structural, that is revealed. But they also contain an exhilarating beauty, what feels like the charged breath of life. Sleeping Alone is a collection that left me awestruck and also immediately wanting to go back and reread it for the depths I knew I had barely begun to find within its pages. Ru Freeman is an author of rare genius."
The Novelist (2022)Jordan Castro"Brisk and shockingly witty, exuberantly scatological as well as deeply wise, The Novelist is a delight. Jordan Castro is a rare new talent: an author highly attuned to the traditions he is working within while also offering a refreshingly fun sendup of life beset by the endless scroll."
Teenager (2022)Bud Smith"From the Graceland mansion to an alpaca farm in Montana, from a chapel in the Grand Canyon to the ancient forests of California, this is a love story as epic and eccentric as America. In prose that crackles and sings off the page, Bud Smith has written a humorous and tender new classic."
Out There (2022)Kate Folk"This collection of internet gothic fiction delighted, unsettled, and moved me in the best possible way."
The Doloriad (2022)Missouri Williams"Not since Katherine Dunn's Geek Love have I encountered a family dynamic that's as disturbingly gonzo and mesmerizing as the one portrayed in The Doloriad. Set against an ethereally ravaged post-apocalyptic landscape, this is a novel that yet very viscerally reveals how primal jealousy and cruelty distort not only who we are but who we may become for generations. Missouri Williams is a formidably talented writer, whose dark prognostications are both thrilling and frightening to behold."
Present Tense Machine (2022)Gunnhild Øyehaug"This gently humorous and slyly elegiac novel resonates with the reader long after it is over, like the last masterfully struck chord on a piano. Winding through deft meditations on the big bang and the origins of language, avant-garde musical compositions and UFOs, I was deeply moved by how Gunnhild Oyehaug reveals the the yearning and the reverence we feel for the alternate lives we do not live, the love we might have known."
The Atmospherians (2021)Alex McElroy"Alex McElroy has written the novel of our age. The Atmospherians combines Mary Gaitskill's unflinching examination of beauty, cruelty, and power with a toxic masculinity rehabilitation center so outlandishly funny that it would fit perfectly in an episode of Nathan for You. This is a voice to get very excited about: darkly perceptive, stylistically bold, and terrifically, inimitably entertaining." More recommendations
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