Loud and far resounded the bray of horns, the mighty strokes of maces, the quick clashing of swords. It was 1066 in Hastings, England, and a battle had begun that would drastically alter the course of western civilization.
England had lacked a strong central government for generations. Thus, when Edward the Confessor died, leaving no heir to the throne, it was small wonder that the crown of England seemed a tempting prize.
Seizing the crown the very day Edward was buried, the English Earl Harold knew no peace during his short reign. Two times invaders threatened England in ten months. Then, Duke William of Normandy landed on British shores. The great battle had begun that was to remake England into a power that would dominate Europe for hundreds of years.
Fantasy & Science Fiction Grandmaster Robert Silverberg brings the personalities, politics, and events of this complex and exciting period to vivid and relevant life, with dozens of illustrations by noted SF author Judith Ann Lawrence (Judy Blish).
England had lacked a strong central government for generations. Thus, when Edward the Confessor died, leaving no heir to the throne, it was small wonder that the crown of England seemed a tempting prize.
Seizing the crown the very day Edward was buried, the English Earl Harold knew no peace during his short reign. Two times invaders threatened England in ten months. Then, Duke William of Normandy landed on British shores. The great battle had begun that was to remake England into a power that would dominate Europe for hundreds of years.
Fantasy & Science Fiction Grandmaster Robert Silverberg brings the personalities, politics, and events of this complex and exciting period to vivid and relevant life, with dozens of illustrations by noted SF author Judith Ann Lawrence (Judy Blish).
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