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Scott Smith

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Scott Smith is an American author and screenwriter and is a graduate of Columbia University. He has published two suspense novels, A Simple Plan and The Ruins. His screen adaptation of A Simple Plan earned him an Academy Award nomination. Smith's second novel, "The Ruins", is now a horror film and was released April 4th, 2008.
   A Simple Plan (1993)
   The Ruins (2006)
   Open City Vol 20 (2005) (with Maxine Swann)
Scott Smith recommends
Cold Storage (2019)
David Koepp
"A thrilling, funny, and unexpectedly moving joy ride."
The Toast (2018)
Matt Marinovich
"The Toast is stupendous - as brief, urgent, and bracing as a punch to the face. It’s gripping, funny, and unrelentingly bleak (in the best possible way). Matt Marinovich has such a sinister and uncompromising sensibility that one can feel a little morally compromised for enjoying his work so much. If that’s the case, though, I must be a very bad person indeed, because I absolutely loved this book."
The Stranger Game (2018)
Peter Gadol
"The Stranger Game is a sharp-toothed commentary on the ways in which 'following' can foster a pretense of intimacy between strangers, and how the falsity of this intimacy—its utter lack of substance—often creates a perilous hunger for more: more access, more communion, more knowledge. It’s also a fun, moody, twisty thriller, with a sun-touched, West Coast much Joan Didion as Patricia Highsmith."

More recommendations 

Books containing stories by Scott Smith
Year's Best Hardcore Horror Volume 3 (2018)
(Year's Best Hardcore Horror, book 3)
edited by
Randy Chandler and Cheryl Mullenax

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