The inspiring story of Icelandic sheep farmer, former model and feminist heroine has become an international best seller and won both the Icelandic Booksellers' Prize and Women's Literature Prize.
I'm not on my own because I've been sitting crying into a handkerchief or apron over a lack of interested men. I've been made every offer imaginable over the years. Men offer themselves, their sons...drunk fathers sometimes call me up and say things like: 'Do you need a farmhand?' 'I can lift the hay bales.' 'I can repair your tractors'....
Heioa is a solitary farmer with a flock of 500 sheep in a remorseless area bordering Iceland's highlands. It's known as the End of the World. One of her nearest neighbours is Iceland's most notorious volcano, Katla, which has periodically driven away the inhabitants of Ljotarstaoir ever since people first started farming there in the 12th century. This portrait of Heioa, written with wit and humour by one of Iceland's most acclaimed novelists, Steinunn Siguroardottir, tells a heroic tale of a charismatic young woman who, at 23, walked away from a career as a model in New York to take over the family farm when her father died.
I want to tell women they can do anything, and to show that sheep farming isn't just a man's game. I guess I've always been a feminist. When I was growing up, there was a female president, and I used to wear the same clothes and play with the same toys as the boys. It was just normal to me.
Divided into four seasons, Heioa tells the story of a remarkable year, interwoven with vivid stories of her animals and farm work, and paints an unforgettable portrait of a remote life close to nature.
We humans are mortal; the land outlives us. New people come, new sheep, new birds and so on, but the land, with its rivers and lakes and resources, remains.
I'm not on my own because I've been sitting crying into a handkerchief or apron over a lack of interested men. I've been made every offer imaginable over the years. Men offer themselves, their sons...drunk fathers sometimes call me up and say things like: 'Do you need a farmhand?' 'I can lift the hay bales.' 'I can repair your tractors'....
Heioa is a solitary farmer with a flock of 500 sheep in a remorseless area bordering Iceland's highlands. It's known as the End of the World. One of her nearest neighbours is Iceland's most notorious volcano, Katla, which has periodically driven away the inhabitants of Ljotarstaoir ever since people first started farming there in the 12th century. This portrait of Heioa, written with wit and humour by one of Iceland's most acclaimed novelists, Steinunn Siguroardottir, tells a heroic tale of a charismatic young woman who, at 23, walked away from a career as a model in New York to take over the family farm when her father died.
I want to tell women they can do anything, and to show that sheep farming isn't just a man's game. I guess I've always been a feminist. When I was growing up, there was a female president, and I used to wear the same clothes and play with the same toys as the boys. It was just normal to me.
Divided into four seasons, Heioa tells the story of a remarkable year, interwoven with vivid stories of her animals and farm work, and paints an unforgettable portrait of a remote life close to nature.
We humans are mortal; the land outlives us. New people come, new sheep, new birds and so on, but the land, with its rivers and lakes and resources, remains.
Used availability for Steinunn Sigurdardottir's Heida