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A novel by

Anna is a touching story from an autobiographical memoir written of Anna Marie Gamble's later years. It tells of a desperately impoverished life as an undernourished and sickly child, where she is protected by an older sister from her cruel alcoholic father and abusive mother. The sister’s deep faith is passed on to Anna who finds God at an early age and devotes her life to worship of Him. She inherits a love for music and her father's gift of a beautiful singing voice. Her itinerant family moves forty times before Anna is fourteen years old. Her mother leaves home for long periods and is arrested for larceny and then for prostitution, but not before she attempts to poison Anna's father. Desperate for money, Anna finds work in a silk mill when she is sixteen and becomes active in union problems. She is in constant prayer and faithfully attends prayer meetings and church services as a devoted Christian. In an effort to help take her out of a life of misery and poverty, Anna is nominated by her pastor to attend bible college despite her lack of formal education. While attending college, where she excels, she meets her future husband, also a dedicated Christian. After marrying, they settle in a small town in New York where they raise four children. Their lives are not easy, but they never lose faith In God. They are active in church and devote much of their lives to helping others. Her story begins and ends in a convalescent center in Michigan and is told by the author, who looks after her in her waning years. He is so blessed by their friendship that he writes this book as a tribute to a beautiful life of faith and courage.
Anna is an inspiration to all of us.
If you enjoyed "The Glass Castle" by Jeannette Walls, you will also be touched by Anna's story

Genre: Inspirational

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