Free with Every Pack (1988)
Ging Gang Goolie, It's an Alien (1988)
Cowardy Cowardy Cutlass (1989)
Mo and the Mummy Case (1991)
Stone the Crows, It's a Vacuum Cleaner (1992)
Cutlass Rules the Waves (1994)
Gosh Look Teddy, It's a Werewolf (1996)
Bing, Bang, Boogie, It's a Boy Scout (1997)
Ging Gang Goolie, It's an Alien (1988)
Cowardy Cowardy Cutlass (1989)
Mo and the Mummy Case (1991)
Stone the Crows, It's a Vacuum Cleaner (1992)
Cutlass Rules the Waves (1994)
Gosh Look Teddy, It's a Werewolf (1996)
Bing, Bang, Boogie, It's a Boy Scout (1997)
Jumbo Jets
Fergus the Forgetful (1992)
Charlie & the Biff (1994)
The Baked Bean Cure (1995)
Fidgety Felix (1996)
Queen Lizzie Rules Ok! (1997)
Dad's Dodgy Lodger (1998)
Charlie & the Biff (1994)
The Baked Bean Cure (1995)
Fidgety Felix (1996)
Queen Lizzie Rules Ok! (1997)
Dad's Dodgy Lodger (1998)