Seventeen-year-old Riley Jamison has always wondered why he could predict the future. Turns out he's not predicting it, he's changing it with his thoughts. Now he's in demand by the forces of both good and evil. Riley must now develop his talents at The Compass, a school run by The Guardians, a benevolent group committed to changing the future for the better. And since Riley's powers are off the charts, he must resist the biggest temptation. To play God. But changing the future is not without risks.... any action creates "ripples" in the timeline, which can be good or catastrophic. Riley is also confronted with a rogue Guardian who wants to manipulate the future for his own benefit... and let the ripples fall where they may.
Genre: Young Adult Fantasy
Genre: Young Adult Fantasy
Used availability for Nic Tatano's Destiny's Hourglass
Genre Pages